He Always Steals The Show!

I was watching a movie when my phone beeped. It was a message from mom. I opened it and saw a video of mom and dad dancing. He was dressed up and I found immense joy to see him go out for the first time after he lost his eyesight partially. I quickly rang my mom.

“Whoa! Where is this? And, dad stepped out of the house?”

I asked. “Oh yes, Bob! We had a small get-together in the neighborhood today. It has been three years since he didn’t step out but this time he insisted that he wants to attend the brunch party and dance too! I didn’t believe him until he got ready. And, there we danced to his favorite song ‘Uptown Girl’!” She replied.

“That’s great! I am so happy to hear this and even happier to watch the video,” I replied.

“All eyes were on him. Everyone was so full of him and were seeking inspiration!” She replied.

“Dad has always been the person who steals the show! We know it, mom!” I said and she laughed. Then after talking for some time, we hung up.

After keeping the call, I watched the video again. My dad has never failed to motivate a single soul. Everyone is so fond of him. That man was dancing with a youthful zeal despite having partial loss of vision. He is so full of life!

He sets examples that show us how we can surmount all challenges no matter what. His dose of positivity flushes out all doubts. He knows how to be and stay happy in every situation even if it is not so easy.

Father’s Day is here! My dad has been my hero always. Apart from arranging something special for him on that day, I will make sure to apply his words of wisdom in my life. I will try to imbibe his spirit and not let any challenging situation take away my zeal. I will smile a little wider and sing a little louder. That, I guess will be the best Father’s Day gift for him!

Let me know what are you gifting your dad on Father’s Day! Happy Father’s Day to all the loving dads!

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