Light Giving Us Hope!

Aaliyah and I were sitting on the couch and making a list of things for Hanukkah. The celebrations will be at Megan’s place this time and we are in charge of a couple of things. Aaliyah is all set to ace the authentic Jewish menu. Once we completed the list she started watching some recipe videos. I started going through some old albums.

Each picture is close to my heart but there was one that took me down the memory lane. It was a picture where we all were enjoying Hanukkah dinner together. I was probably in mid-school. I remember asking my dad that why we light the menorah.

Hanukkah, the festival of light is where we commemorate the re-dedication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. Lighting the menorah gives us hope to win against every odd! It guides us in the direction of the right!” He had replied.

Since that day I knew that every challenging situation backed by the right actions will always lead to victory. I remind myself of this whenever I feel like giving up.

My thoughts got interrupted by Aaliyah’s question, “Bob, what are you thinking?”

“I just got lost in a beautiful memory! Come let me show you some old pictures and tell you the story behind each one of them,” I said.

The rest of the evening I was the storyteller reliving those memories which were preserved in the album! Aaliyah enjoyed each story and later when we were feeling too lazy to cook, we went out to have a nice dinner. Our way to kick start the celebratory season!

Let me you’re your plans. Happy Hanukkah, everyone!

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