Love : If You Know It, Show It This August!


Yesterday, I was browsing through the aisles of a local supermarket when my phone beeped. I turned it on and found a message from an old high school friend. We hadn’t spoken in quite a while now but the instant I saw his name, I recalled everything from our last conversation.

There is something magical about friendship that can never truly be put into words. This is the feeling that keeps people living and loving all through their lives and this was exactly what I felt in that moment.

“Hey Bob,” the message read, “Hope you are doing great. I just wanted to tell you I am going to be in town in the first week of August. Let’s plan a meet. I would love to see you! Ciao.” I felt such a great gush of emotion as I read this message that it is hard to explain it.

I don’t think I could tell you what it feels like unless you have felt it yourself. In the fast-paced lives we live today, who has time to be catching up with old friends? And yet, the message was there – proving undeniably that love is the strongest of ties that bind.

When I got back home, I immediately started looking up the best places we could visit. A few texts back and forth and I had his schedule. Call it a strange coincidence but we both found ourselves free on Friendship Day, August 5! This was indeed some hidden play of fate. As if the world was telling us to get back in touch after so many months and stay connected.

Steve, my buddy, had been a gem of a friend ever since high school. We had been inseparable during those years and when he left for college, the distance between us only made our bond stronger. We chatted often online but as it happens, we got busy in our own lives. I thank the heavens that he texted me. Though I have no shortage of friends to spend Friendship Day with, meeting him will certainly be a wonderful experience.

If you have a friend who you want to get back in touch with, August 5 is the day for it. It is the perfect day to reach out to them and celebrate the special bond you share.

Coincidentally, August 5 is also Sister’s Day. How amazing is that! What better excuse can you want to make the special people in your life feel happy? Book a table or a movie with your friend or your sister. If you can’t meet them in person, share a card with them and let them know you are thinking of them.

Love is a verb. We all need love in our lives and to get it, we need to show it. So, this summer, mark the 5th of August down as a day for celebrating bonds and make it a day to remember! Also, don’t forget August is Hug Month and Smile Month. Spread this message far and wide and let the blessings wash over you and your loved ones!

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Friendship Day
August 05, 2018
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Hug Month,
August, 2018
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Smile Month,
August, 2018
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