Now I Know!

The drop in the temperature here in Big Apple has paved the way for my favorite time of the year- Holiday Season. Sumac, Celosia, and Dianthus all the flowers are blooming beautifully in Mrs. Bradley’s garden. She is lighting up and decorating every corner of her garden to greet the season!

“Bob, we have to leave in an hour for shopping. Kate will be here in no time! Get ready! Hope you remember?” She asked. “How can I forget? The holiday season is incomplete without the shopping spree!” I expressed. She smiled.

The bell rang. Kate and her 9-year-old niece, Jane were here! While Aaliyah and Kate got busy getting all decked up, Jane shot a question at me!

“What’s so special about Holiday Season, Uncle Bob?”

Time and love– spending time with the ones we love is the best part of this season! Like how we all get together to bake our favorite cakes and cookies, and rejoice in the old tales. Decorating the house and lighting up the Christmas tree. You’ll not see any adult giving no for an answer! The time when we let go of the hard feelings and start afresh! The time when we unite together to celebrate life by raising a toast over a large table,” I answered.

“Yes, I too spend the best days with my granny and all my cousins when they come over during this time!” She replied.

“We are ready! Let’s leave, then!” Suggested Aaliyah.

“So, why do we spend so much time hunting gifts for everyone?” We all laughed! “You are always asking too many questions!” Expressed Kate.

“Well, Jane, each gift should have a personal touch and radiate the loving message! We don’t do it out of compulsion. It should touch the chords of the other person’s heart and make the bond stronger!” I replied.

“Now I know why my mom asks me what gift I want! She makes sure that I am happy and I end up loving her more!” She expressed. We all laughed again at her cute little understanding of the tradition and left for shopping.

For me, the sheer innocence of Jane was a delight, and talking to her about the intricate details of the festivity was a great joy! Happy Holidays, everyone!


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