Taking Good Care Of Yourself


We owe it to ourselves. Don’t we?

I was walking down the road and like always my eyes were traveling from one thing to other skimming through the colors, the textures, the adventures and the misadventures. I stopped at the sight of a cobbler who sits there every day at this time. I couldn’t help noticing how tattered his own shoes were, I wondered why would he ignore himself while he works so diligently on shining and mending others’ shoes. I shrugged with disbelief and carried on.

As I entered the office, I noticed the lady who sits at the reception. She had dabbed her face with cosmetics but her eyes were weary and her greetings were cold and often unreturned.

This made me think. Shouldn’t those people who are meant to make others’ lives easy and joyful, be cheerful, hale and hearty themselves?

It is important for us to take our own responsibility seriously. Take care of yourself folks the way you do for your people, your work and your pets.

These are some 20 ways how I take care of myself!

  1. Start your day with a prayer. I start my day with a prayer which helps me to be aligned with the universal energy and feel positive.
  2. Recently I am enjoying a cup of warm lime and honey water which is very relieving first thing in the morning. It is very soothing and has many health benefits. It boosts metabolism and will make your liver glad.
  3. Keep yourself hydrated all day. It is the key to good health. I make a jar of warm water infused with sage, lemongrass or basil and keep it on my work table.
  4. For breakfast I make myself a nice and luscious green smoothie or enjoy hot breakfast of eggs and salad.
  5. Exercise. Start at your pace and increase gradually.
  6. I pack myself some wheat or multigrain bread with a generous helping of steamed veggies for lunch and walk down to the subway to travel for work. Walking helps me to be out in the sun and absorb the much needed Vitamin D besides keeping me fit and increasing my stamina.
  7. I read. It is the best way to cleanse my mind. Find some author who inspires you and read.
  8. I greet people around me and this sociological gesture keeps the psyche happy and gratified.
  9. At office I take enough breaks to keep my creativity flowing. Relax often friends instead of procrastinating. Plan your work and breaks proactively.
  10. Practice meditation and deep breathing.
  11. Skip the sugar if you want to be healthy and energetic. Tea is filled with antioxidants and are very satisfying. Have few cups of green tea during the day.
  12. Write affirmations for yourself and read them daily, it surely gets me started.
  13. Snack on walnuts. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acid which helps in stimulating the brain and nervous system.
  14. Eat peacefully. It is an important time as your body is talking to you. I eat in a place where I don’t indulge in mindless chatter.
  15. In the evening I walk down to the juice corner and drink a glass of fresh juice packed with vitamins and minerals. It is made of celery, beetroot, carrots, ginger and lemon. It replenishes my energy.
  16. Enjoy a warm shower before going to bed with Lavender aroma oil, bath salts , bubbles and candles. Drink a glass of warm turmeric water if you can for it helps in inducing sleep.
  17. I listen to good music while fixing myself some light dinner of soups and baked vegan veggie pasta or something that is healthy and full of nutrients. Did you know that a human body needs 90 nutrients on a daily basis to function healthily?
  18. I make a list of groceries to stock in the refrigerator for a week so I don’t miss on my nuts, smoothies and other needs.
  19. I journal my thoughts and talk to my partner or friends, play a game or two or watch some television before I retire for the day.
  20. I believe that one of the most important thing for all of us is to sleep well. It helps in balancing the sleep hormone melatonin which helps in reduction of stress hormones.

As I left office, I greeted the receptionist gleefully before her and she smiled at me interestingly.

While returning home I noticed the tired cobbler again. I went to him and noticed he had blisters in his legs. He looked at my shoes before moving his head up to see me. “The shoes look fine, what do you want, man?” I bent over and opened his shoes and paid him to mend those. He beamed and started gluing and stitching and in no time his tattered shoes were fixed. He smiled at me and managed a choked thanks. I hope he gets the message.

So, friends maintain a daily schedule and take good care of yourself and then nurture the world around you.



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Chocolate Cake Day,
January 27, 2018
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