Time To Move On

Donna’s call last night made me quite apprehensive. She was in tears and was unable to vent it out. “Okay calm down. Should we head to our favorite café after work tomorrow and talk?” I asked. “No, I need some open space to feel better and talk about what I have to,” she replied. So, we decided to meet at Bryant Park.

The next day we headed to the park right after work. “Now tell me. What is the matter?” I asked. “I feel very lonely, Bob. There is no one to go back to when I get back home. No one is there to wait for me or enjoy the meals together. I miss love, care and concern. I long for a companion from deep within. However, at the same time, I am so afraid to move on.  So many heartbreaks over the past few years, I just can’t trust anyone. What should I do?” she cried.

It is human nature to guard ourselves due to our past experiences. She too was doing that. It was necessary for her to stop holding on to the bad moments of the past. “You need to heal your scars because unless you do that you will bleed on others and that is wrong. This way you can never move on. Work on your emotions and first be happy with your own self. Love yourself, first. Then go ahead for a new beginning,” I expressed.  

“It is easier said than done. I can’t, Bob. I just can’t,” she cried further. “Life is full of both good and not so good experiences, Donna. Beautiful memories will make you happy and you’ll cherish them forever but the bad ones will shape you up. So don’t have regrets. Both help us to evolve as a person. You have to accept it,” I said.

Looking at the leaves fluttering to the ground, I said, “Look there! You see that?” Autumn is here! Signifying a change and the end of an old chapter, it is letting you know that it is time to embrace a new beginning. “Just like the trees shed their leaves, you too need to let go off the past.   “Your struggle is inside you and not outside. Don’t be so harsh on yourself by restricting your emotions and desires. Give yourself and life another chance,” I said.

Donna wiped her tears. She looked at me and said, “Yes Bob, I agree that I must work on myself first. I can’t dwell on my past any longer. I need to treat my scars and heal. Unless I feel ready and initiate, I am actually blocking the way for the right companion,” she replied. I gave her a tight hug. I felt so happy that she was up for a new start for herself.

“Now let us go and have your favorite truffle cake,” I said. “Yes, let’s go!” she replied.

The universe is always changing so are we! Every day we are being given new opportunities to bounce back. Don’t let a few tragic episodes of the bygone days to prevent you from leading a good life. Stop lamenting! Not every relationship will have the same story. Not every start will have the same ending. Which also means that not every person will be the same as before. Open your doors for a new beginning. There is always hope for things to be beautiful and happy, forever.

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