Unleashing The Soul Of A Traveler Once Again

The rising temperature in NYC called for some chilled lime juice with mint leaves last afternoon. I was enjoying the drink and reading poems. A perfect Saturday afternoon! Aaliyah was out with her friends. The doorbell rang. I wasn’t expecting someone. I opened it and received a parcel.

On the parcel it was written- “A traveler is a storyteller and through his stories, we get a glimpse of the world. To one such passionate traveler, Happy Brother’s Day!” – Liz.

I had a big smile on my face. I unwrapped the box and discovered two things inside – a big blank book with handmade paper and a world map. She remembers! I thought!

When I was in school, dad used to take us out twice a year for long trips. After coming back, I used to stick the best of the pictures from the trip in a big notebook. I used to write little notes beside them along with dates. I also had a world map stuck on the big wall in our room.

“I will be traveling the entire globe one day!” I used to tell my dad. “Well, you must do that! Your experiences will be a treasure trove, Bob!” My dad used to reply.

“I will miss you when you are gone for days,” Liz used to reply.

“Don’t worry, I will call from wherever I go and will get you something from there!” I used to tell her. That made her happy. Once I grew up I started traveling a lot, especially to offbeat places.

The heart of a traveler longs to explore and soak in every bit of the unknown land. It keeps me connected to the real world around me. The interactions with different people and cultures have broadened my horizon and given me deep insights. A mix of learning, experiencing, and living every bit of the moment! Indeed the memories are a treasure trove!

Liz’s gift touched my heart. It was exactly what I needed now! The last couple of years have been different and challenging due to the pandemic. But now, it’s time to pack my bags. It’s time to unleash the soul of the traveler once again! But before that, it’s time to visit her and thank her with a big tight hug.

If you are a traveler you will know what I am talking about! If not, then be one and let your soul experience the magic.

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