An Unplanned Off Day

Last Tuesday I woke up and was feeling a bit lazy. It was one of those days when I did not feel like doing anything! I walked to the hall and saw that Aaliyah was on the balcony. Sipping her mint tea she was clicking pictures of the September flowers that bloomed beautifully. I did not distract her.

“Bob, you are up! Why didn’t you call me?” She asked once she turned. “I love watching you do what you like and didn’t want to disturb you!” I replied. She quickly walked toward me and showed me all the clicks. The pictures were beautiful!

“I will make your coffee,” She said and got up. “Aaliyah! No, wait!” I said and pulled her back. “What, Bob?” She asked.

“Do you remember the times when we used to take leave together to spend time at our favorite café and take a tour of the book store? I sometimes read to you some of my favorite authors. You remember?” I asked.

“Of course I do! Then we used to have Italian lunch and take a long walk in Central Park!” She expressed. I nodded and smiled.

There was a pause and then we both looked at each other. “Bob, you are feeling like doing all of it today, aren’t you? Like doing the things we once used to?” Asked Aaliyah. “Yes, you got me right! So if you don’t have any important meetings or work commitments, can we?” I asked.

Aaliyah smiled. Then she went and made a phone call and came back with a big smile. “Get ready and I am driving today! Don’t forget to put the camera in the bag, I would love to do an outdoor shoot of ours like we used to!” She said. “Alright, love!” I said and then we got ready and left.

Just like how flowers bring freshness and liveliness around, similarly unplanned random plans have their own charm. They add a dose of excitement in the day to day life! Also, it’s fun to follow the heart and skip our daily schedule at times! It fills us with inner joy and paves the way for beautiful fond memories.

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