He Is Getting Younger Day By Day

It’s been months that I did not visit my parents in SoCal. Reading the last line of one of my favorite poems, I started longing for those bygone days. The evenings when mom used to prepare dinner and dad used to spend time with me reading and explaining. Picking up different books for each week!

Reading while breathing in the aroma of the freshly cooked dinner. I used to enjoy both! Sometimes it was baked chicken with mashed potatoes and sometimes it was croissants with sweet corn soup.

I couldn’t wait to get it served on the table. Dad would get the hint and say, “Bob, now let’s eat!” Nostalgia! I was missing all of it!

Ever since dad lost his clear vision, I constantly stay worried. Being away from them makes me sad at times. I called them up.

Mom picked up. “Mom, how are you? How is dad?” I asked. “Bob, we are doing well. He is still practicing card tricks. He is also enjoying my reading out to him the new books that you have sent on the occasion of Senior Citizen Day!” She replied. Then she handed over the phone to dad.

“Bob, I am not that old! Your dad can still beat you in poker, remember that!” He said. We had a good laugh. “I miss you both, dad!” I said. “We miss you more. Now don’t get upset. Also, stop worrying about us so much. Everything is fine!” He said. Then we spoke about a few other things and hung up.

My dad never fails to motivate me! He knows that if he gets weak then I get weaker. And, he won’t let that happen. “You’re my champ, Bob!” He always tells me.

Age is just a number! Real strength and courage are in the mind! Unnecessary worries and overthinking taints the spirit. It never solves any problem but drains away from the capacity to face a challenge. One must not let that happen. Otherwise, the real battle is lost.

As for my dad, he is getting younger day by day! He is still my hero with an indomitable strength!

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