Love Is The Answer!

My Dear Friends, Sisters and Brothers,

Take a good look at me. Do you see cupid?

Yes, I am here with the message of love to the ones I love the most and that’s you people. You have made my work what it is and you have put me in a happy place. Love you all. Let me take you now on a journey that will touch up on different facets of love.

Happy Valentine’s Day [Feb 14]

Aaliyah asked me, “Bob, I have given you all I have. I am all yours. What would you give me, Bob?”

I looked straight into her eyes and said, “I would be a bit of your mother, a bit of your father, a bit of your brother, a good bit of your best friend, a tiny bit of your cute dog and every bit of myself… For You!”

I believe, that sums up love.

It is not enough to be just yourself to your love, but be a bit of everything that she loves. Never make her miss anyone. She needs to find everyone in you. And ‘you’ in everyone!

Valentine’s Day is the day to celebrate this fact.

I Love You [Feb 14]

I often ask Aaliyah what’s the need to say “I love you” all the time. Isn’t it understood? Well, she said, “Bob, yes, you are right. There is no need to say it, but do you know how good it feels to hear it?”

Well, now, that’s a thought!

Not everyone can explain the way your love of life does. They choose the simple words, words that will make us understand. They know exactly what to say and when to say it. And more importantly, when not to say something.

The care that they say is called love.

When we understand that, we will never hurt the one we love. It is simply not worth it and it is a crime.

Family [Feb 14]

You know the place you always go to when things are not going your way?

Valentine’s Day 2016 [Feb 14]

Send Valentine’s Day Greetings!

Send Valentine’s Day Greetings!

Valentine’s Day 2016 [Feb 14]

Send Valentine’s Day Greetings!

Send Valentine’s Day Greetings!

Valentine’s Day 2016 [Feb 14]

Send Valentine’s Day Greetings!

Send Valentine’s Day Greetings!

Family. Yes, that’s the place.

That’s the only place where they know what you are going through and what you need. The unconditional support is what family gives you. Never ever forsake your family for anything or anyone. Include someone in your family. That is okay. But never exclude your family for anyone. That is simply not done.

No one in their right mind should forget to wish one’s family on Valentine’s Day. It is an occasion of love and the first love for any human being is supposed to be family. Go wish!

Friends [Feb 14]

Family is by default, but friends are chosen by angels. These guys and girls who have no blood ties are willing to shed blood for us jus’ because they are our friends. How is that possible? And why?

There is no answer to this question, but this is a divine relationship that is for keeps.

It is not easy to get a good friend and when you find one, treasure it.

Not many know that friends are angels without wings and they tend to be your guardian when family and loved ones are away. They are the ones you can call up at 3 in the morning and still get away with it.

They are the ones who won’t judge you. They are the ones who make your world seem a happy place.

My wish for you all from the bottom of my heart:

I, Editor Bob, along with my team at wish you, your family and your loved ones a very Happy Valentine’s Day.

Spread love. Live in bliss. Send a hug.


Editor Bob.

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